You will burn a lot of calories even in such a short workout because the workouts are fast-paced and intense!.
Focus T25 guarantees results in under 5 weeks per phase by dedicating only 25 minutes a day to working out. If you have a full-time job or are taking care of a family, you likely don’t have time to spend a few hours going to and working out at the gym. Men and women who lead BUSY lives! Let’s be honest, who doesn’t?. This program relies on simple athletic moves that are fast-paced, intense and easy to follow Other workout programs have tricky moves and choreographed routines you need to learn. People who enjoy an athletic style workout without complicated choreography. I recommend those new to working out to either try the 21 day fix by Autumn Calabrese or Shaun T’s dance workout program called Cize. Although there is a woman who does low-intensity a low-impact option if you need to modify. If you are still new to exercise, this program might be too intense. This program is for men and women who have an intermediate to advanced level of fitness. I decided to do a full review of T25 and breakdown if the workouts and nutrition plan really works! Who Is Focus T25 Designed for? It will take 10 weeks to complete the program and you’ll workout 5 days a week, with one day of rest and one day to stretch.
In T25, you go through two phases (Alpha and Beta) and need to commit to 5 weeks in each phase.
The idea is that you can spend less than 30 minutes a day working out and still get results! Shaun T has recently released Focus T25 which is an athletic based full body workout program. In the past year, Beachbody has released a number of workout programs that are less time consuming than most.